Saturday, February 16, 2008

Guess he was Mr. Wrong

Ben Wright submitted his resignation yesterday.

My first impressions of him turned out to be off the mark. Over the 7 months of Mr. Wright's tenure, he never lived up to the hopes we had for his job performance. Many found the information on his website questionable, and as he got further into his job at Bransford Avenue, he had difficulty finding his way.

How many more central office personnel will lose their jobs before a new administration is organized?


Anonymous said...

I thought you were wrong but gave you the benefit of the doubt because I thought you were more involved.

Mostly I think you are an eternal optimist. Some of us just give everyone 100% to begin with and no one is really that good.

He was and is a fake but really believes in himself and is just like Pedro.

Alan Coverstone said...

You were right.